Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm the Governor of Alaska and I'm a PC!

The first attempt at this made people happy.  I am ALL about happy people!

Since Microsoft wants to show regular and extraordinary people "ARE" PC...
If Sara Palin did a Microsoft I'm a PC commercial

I can see Russia from my house and I'm a PC...

I'm A PC and I wear glasses.

Tina Fey wears glasses

I'm A PC and I wear Contacts

I'm a PC and God Contacts me

God tells me she is a PC

I'm A PC and this is my GUN

I can blow your head clean off and Im a PC

I was For...

Against ...

Then took the money ...

But regardless of how many opinions I have...

I'm A PC and I approved this message

Add more in the comments!

1 comment:

Brian Levine said...

I'm a PC and I'm so overwhelmed by my situation I get flustered by Katie frickin' Couric.

I'm a PC and I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you